Monday, September 22, 2008


I arrived in Guatemala on Independence Day. There were celebrations all week including a fair in Xela with carnival games, rides, music, food, etc. Two classmates and I went to the fair on my first day here and that is where, I think, I unknowingly met Sylvia. Sylvia is the amoeba that is residing in my intestines at the moment. She found her way there via the choco fruta (chocolate covered fruit) I ate from a street vendor. They were strawberries to be specific... something every guidebook tells you not to eat if you don´t know how they have been or not been washed. I knew better, but ate them anyway and they were muy delicioso! Sylvia took up residence and started to blend my food into liquid causing me many unwanted trips to el bano. I have since been to the laboratory for tests, thanks to the Director of my school, and once the results came back she called a doctor friend who interpreted them and told her I needed to take Flagyl (which is very affordable at any pharmacy without a prescription). I´m starting to feel a bit better now...thank goodness. I´m sorry Sylvia, but you´ve outstayed your welcome.


M said...

Ay caramba! (yeah, ok, I got that out of my system). Very glad you are on the mend! It's great to be able to keep in touch!

Sommer said...

oh man!

feel better.

at least you're getting it out of the way. now your antibodies will be like little schwarzeneggers beating up all the future sylvias.


Sommer said...

ps--we need pictures!! (when you find yourself out of the bathroom, that is)

lteusink said...

Hasta lluego, Sylvia. I think her cousin Sylvania is visiting me in Brooklyn right now! :(