Patrizia and Gritta are two women from Germany that I met at school in Quetzaltenango (Xela). They studied Spanish for a month preceding their internship at a day care center near Antigua. Both are studying to become social workers in Germany and have to spend 18 weeks volunteering as part of their program.
I became quick friends with Patrizia and Gritta and they took very good care of me once I became sick. They checked on me several times a day and Gritta even lent me her laptop so I could listen to music and watch movies in my room. And... they let me follow them to Antigua...
After the shuttle dropped us off at our separate destinations, (they were staying at a volunteer house where they tried to find space for me to stay but it was full, and I was staying at the Black Cat hostel) I felt lost and alone. I didn't have a phone so was wandering around trying to find a phone card when I heard my name being shouted across the grocery store. I ran into Patrizia's arms crying as it was so nice to see someone I knew even though I'd only been alone for about an hour. I ended up going back to their house where we cooked and hung out for awhile and they tried to convince me to stay after I told them of my decision to return home.
We went to the artisans market the next day so I could buy some souvenirs before I left and they trained me in the fine art of bartering. Gritta perfected this art when she was in Thailand and she is quite good at it. I've always been nervous to do it but I finally did some real bartering on my own however, I always got a better price when Gritta and I could play off each other. It was an amusing game to play.
This is just a shout out to them as I am so thankful for having made their acquaintance. They are two wonderful and caring women! We talked about visiting each other in our respective countries... they have never been to the States and I've never been to Germany... I hope they do come and visit.
Muchas gracias Patrizia y Gritta por todo!
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